Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Here's The Real Deal About Sullivan County

Wow! Really look at what's going on in Sullivan County
And Don’t Make Legislator Cora Edwards the Bogeyman!

by Lennie Jones
"Reading your article sent me back to some of my old favorite "Twilight Zones" (and even WWII) when all that's wrong can be pinned on the guy who has a mark on his face, or just looks a little different."

After reading Burglary Epidemic & Spending Cuts to Public Safety: Cutting off our noses to spite our faces" article by Adam X. Smith in the Writer’s Workshop of Sullivan County earlier this week, all I can start off is to write: WOW!

Where do I even start?

OK, Firstly, it appears we have a new bogeyman in Sullivan County and her name is Cora Edwards, the County Legislator for District 6. 

Do you really think Cora is pushing our county to subsidize welfare and is looking for more poor people to move in? How about all the religious fundamentalists who pay only a portion of the property taxes the rest of us have to pay?  It seems we can't wait to welcome more of them.  And how about writing about all the other non taxable entities that are off the tax rolls? 

But seriously, how is all that Cora's fault?

Adam, here’s the real deal: The majority of this country sat back during the first decade of the 21st century and watched a group of connected and stupid white men literally destroy our country's "middle class" for the sole sake of their power, pretty much guaranteed by war.  And that happened in Sullivan County too.

And we're not likely making it back from that. 

An active result and goal of those men was to make us all afraid, of each other and of the unknown. It’s a very old tactic which always works. And you are now introducing it to Sullivan County.

Also Adam, I would also urge you to do a little research into the term "economic development." 

We've economically developed ourselves into an overpopulated and polluted planet in the throes of dire climate change.  May I suggest you take your beef to the feds and insist we stop spending trillions on weapons and war and more on public safety at home.  Not a bad idea in my opinion.

In terms of public safety, "enterprising terrorists" (good term Adam!) will a find way to terrorize you, if they so desire (the goal of that, I'm not so sure), whether or not the Sheriff’s Department gets more overtime funding. 

We live in a changed world, and it is not a safe one, even here in Sullivan County.  Live in fear, or just try and live.  There are really only those two choices. 

But please, do your homework.  Study these issues a bit more before you write in a superficial way about them-and attack Cora too.

Reading your article sent me back to some of my old favorite "Twilight Zones" (and even WWII) when all that's wrong can be pinned on the guy who has a mark on his face, or just looks a little different. 

I implore you to really look what's going on in Sullivan County, and all over the US and the world, and take it from there. 


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