Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's the Locals in Sullivan County that really have poor driving habits

"Stimulating meaningful thought & debate in Sullivan County without retribution"
It's the Locals in Sullivan County that really have poor driving habits
Stay Off the Roads in Sullivan County-If You Want To Live!
Part II

by Ruby Pixman
One of the worst of these potential deathtraps is on Route 52 along the eastern approach to Jeffersonville

In my previous column I questioned the safety of the pair of newly-installed traffic circles in Liberty.  I argued how the flawed design of these circles, not bad driving, invites traffic accidents.

However, throughout the rest of Sullivan County, actual and potential accidents are clearly the result of poor driving habits. 

One of my major peeves involves just plain laziness on behalf of drivers!

The county, being both hilly and rural, has many two-lane roads that twist and turn, often providing treacherous sharp curves for motorists to traverse with their cars. 

Its common practice here that as drivers approach such a bend, instead of cautiously hugging the outer rim of the road, they often veer toward the center, and sometimes cross over the solid dividing line and into the left lane-a danger to oncoming traffic. 

Such drivers are just too lazy to stay on their side of the road.  

Since this practice occurs year-round and not just during tourist season, I can only assume that these dangerous actions are largely performed by locals. 

Since police can't be present at every dangerous curve, the best solution is the installation of traffic cones or other devices that prevent cars from entering into unwarranted territory.

One of the worst of these potential deathtraps is on Route 52 along the eastern approach to Jeffersonville. 

The road turns sharply to the right and blocks any view of oncoming traffic.  Along the right side of the road is a trench.  If a driver encounters another care in the wrong lane, he or she is forced to collide with the on-comer or sharply turn to his right.  That insures that he or she will end up in the trench, possibly with deadly consequences.  This blind curve is a perfect spot for installing traffic cones or even more permanent devices.

Another major problem is the outright defiance of the laws banning drivers' cell phone usage. 

One remedy is for the county to earn a reputation as a place where police frequently enforce the law. 

The best place to catch such would-be felons is along Route 17, a wide road where it would be safe and easy for police vehicles to be parked for the purpose of surveillance. 

I'm not a big fan of constant police presence, but once a few arrests are made and word gets out, the deadly practice of cell phone conversations will greatly decrease. 

And speaking of Route 17, this is a situation that constantly baffles me.  There are signs posted along the roadway indicating that 55 mph is the state speed limit, which presumably means that driving above that limit is illegal in the entire state.  Yet within short distances of such signs are other postings that indicate the speed limit to be 65 mph! 

Which one of the two contradictory posted limits is the actual number? 

It seems to me that if someone is stopped for going above 55, he has a good court defense, since the 65mph limit is simultaneously posted on the same road!

Sadly, this county has a long history of doing the best it can for getting nothing of a constructive nature accomplished.

Probably none of these traffic situations I've pointed out will ever be addressed, unless possibly someone is seriously hurt or killed. 

I'm still hopeful, however, that traffic safety will take precedence over costs and that solutions will be provided. 

Such precautions can save many lives here in Sullivan County! 

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